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Game Name : Hour Of Victory
System : Xbox 360
Date Added : 2007-04-06 05:36:48
Views : 24912

Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

Note: Additionally there are two secret achievements, both of which are currently unknown.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Al Shatar Campaign (25 points)Complete The Liberation of Al Shatar campaign on any difficulty level.
Ascension Bull (10 points)Complete Ascension with Bull.
Ascension Ross (10 points)Complete Ascension with Ross.
Ascension Taggert (10 points)Complete Ascension with Taggert.
Barbarians at the Gate Bull (10 points)Complete Barbarians at the Gate with Bull.
Barbarians at the Gate Ross (10 points)Complete Barbarians at the Gate with Ross.
Barbarians at the Gate Taggert (10 points)Complete Barbarians at the Gate with Taggert.
Battalion Count (50 points)Take out 500 enemies in any mode.
Bomb Squad (30 points)Disarm 50 bombs in Devastation ranked matches.
Breakout (15 points)Complete Breakout.
Castle Festunburg Campaign (25 points)Complete The Raid on Castle Festunburg campaign on any difficulty level.
Clash of the Titans (15 points)Complete Clash of the Titans.
Company Count (20 points)Take out 100 enemies in any mode.
Critical Mass Bull (10 points)Complete Critical Mass with Bull.
Critical Mass Ross (10 points)Complete Critical Mass with Ross.
Critical Mass Taggert (10 points)Complete Critical Mass with Taggert.
Demolitions Expert (25 points)Destroy 25 Targets in Devastation ranked matches.
Desperate Measures Campaign (25 points)Complete Desperate Measures campaign on any difficulty level.
Fight the Good Fight (25 points)Place first in a multiplayer game on the losing team.
First Place (30 points)Place first in a ranked match, all three game types.
Good Citizen (20 points)Host active multiplayer games for 20 hours.
Grenade Expert (20 points)Grenade 50 enemies in any mode.
Head Hunter (20 points)Take out 20 enemies with a headshot in any mode.
Hell from Above Bull (10 points)Complete Hell from Above with Bull.
Hell from Above Ross (10 points)Complete Hell from Above with Ross.
Hell from Above Taggert (10 points)Complete Hell from Above with Taggert.
Heroic Defender (30 points)Save 50 flags in Capture the Flag ranked matches.
Juggernaut (25 points)Kill 100 enemies in ranked matches.
Play all Multiplayer Modes (40 points)Complete a game in all Multiplayer Modes.
Play Multiplayer (20 points)Complete a Multiplayer Game.
Silent Victory (40 points)Stealth kill 25 enemies.
Silver Medal (20 points)Capture 25 flags in Capture the Flag ranked matches.
Snipe Expert (50 points)Snipe 75 enemies in any mode.
Squad Count (10 points)Take out 10 enemies in any mode.
Strategy by the Book Bull (10 points)Complete Strategy by the Book with Bull.
Strategy by the Book Ross (10 points)Complete Strategy by the Book with Ross.
Strategy by the Book Taggert (10 points)Complete Strategy by the Book with Taggert.
The Hallowed Halls Bull (10 points)Complete The Hallowed Halls with Bull.
The Hallowed Halls Ross (10 points)Complete The Hallowed Halls with Ross.
The Hallowed Halls Taggert (10 points)Complete The Hallowed Halls with Taggert.
The Hill Bull (10 points)Complete The Hill with Bull.
The Hill Ross (10 points)Complete The Hill with Ross.
The Hill Taggert (10 points)Complete The Hill with Taggert.
The Net Tightens Bull (10 points)Complete The Net Tightens with Bull.
The Net Tightens Ross (10 points)Complete The Net Tightens with Ross.
The Net Tightens Taggert (10 points)Complete The Net Tightens with Taggert.
Total Victory (100 points)Complete every campaign.
Whites of Their Eyes (30 points)Kill 10 enemies in a row in a ranked match without dying.

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